Much needed self care skills
I find myself using the skills all the time…Fantastic course for anyone working in the caring professions/role. Allows space to consider your approach, needs and gain much needed self care skills
Tremendous benefits for the organisation as well as the individual
I have been very impressed with the level of commitment of ERYC, especially during such financially constrained times. Congratulations on grasping the nettle. I believe it will have tremendous benefits for the organisation as well as the individual.
Would recommend it to anyone
I thought the course was really good and helpful and would recommend it anyone.
It really built on the stress reduction course I participated in 2 years ago
For me, it really built on the stress reduction course I participated in 2 years ago and deepened my awareness of mindfulness. Thank you.
What a lifesaver!
This course opened my eyes to the idea that it is only possible to long-term care for someone if you try to put as much energy into your own care. Only those in this position know how hard that lesson is to teach and receive. But what a lifesaver!
I have found what I was looking for
I had been interested in meditation for a long time but was never sure how to go about it (other than through religious organisations, which isn’t me). The York MBSR course seemed to offer an alternative and it more than lived up to my expectations… The combination of practical information and advice, and the chance to practice with others and really feel how it works (and it did!), was just right for me. Now I have at last found what I was looking for and I enjoyed it so much!
Life skills essential for society
This course [Mindfulness for Stress] should be made part of the national curriculum for children, be an essential part of any degree course and be provided every 3 years by employers to their employees. It should be developed by the prison service and armed forces. In short, it teaches life skills essential for society to continue to function.
The best event I have attended in my 23 years with the CIPD
This was the best event I have attended in my 23 years with the CIPD. What Sally did was bring a genuineness, passion and knowledge which allowed us to experience mindfulness from a fresh perspective.
I was very sceptical at first but found the course really beneficial
I was very sceptical at first but found the course really beneficial. It surpassed my expectations and I would recommend it to work colleagues and friends. As mindfulness can support staff development improving relationships and communication and possibly reducing the number of staff suffering from stress reactions. I would also recommend it to friends that lead busy, stressful and hectic lifestyles and who need to reduce their cognitive load and relax.
Inspiring, very supportive with excellent teachers and a beautiful location
It has made me a more thoughtful person, a better doctor, mum and wife
I am amazed that mindfulness is not yet mainstream. Its applications and principles cross every generation in dealing with the stressors of modern daily life. As a psychiatrist I can see its value with all service users I come across in my day to day practice. It should be as widely available through the NHS as antidepressants and therapy as a treatment option. Personally it has been one of the best things I have encountered. It has made me a more thoughtful person, a better doctor, mum and wife.
MBCT has changed my life
MBCT has changed my life. I am back at work full time and feel like I am a better mum and a better partner. I am enjoying life now whereas before I was constantly depressed and suffered from three panic attacks a week.
Inspiration, motivation, and a more comprehensive view through interaction with others
There is tremendous value in practicing in a group and receiving guidance from a qualified teacher. A class can provide inspiration, motivation, and a more comprehensive view through interaction with others. An MBSR teacher and the group can help you explore your experience of the exercises and take you to a deeper level of understanding. Although a book may be a great starting point, we encourage you to seek opportunities to learn MBSR in a class situation.