
Caring for the Carer

Our ‘Caring for the Carer’ programmes are specifically designed to support those in a caring capacity, cultivating skills which not only support your role as a carer and the quality of care given but also your health and wellbeing.

Our three courses are based on the cultivation of mindfulness and compassionate reflection skills that aid self-care through the cultivation of self-awareness, stress management and resilience building.


Please click on the following images for further information, as a general guide:

Caring at Home is run as a public course for those caring for another such as a family member or friend.

Working Carers is a workplace course designed to support employee’s balance the needs of work and caring for a family member at home.

Healthcare Professionals course is for those in professional caring roles such as therapists, nurses, teachers, social workers and is designed to cultivate self-care and compassion for those cared for.

Unrecognised and unmanaged the demands of caring easily lead to exhaustion, stress and anxiety, affecting wellbeing, life satisfaction and our ability to care.

The programme instructor, Robert Broughton, has taught over 100 mindfulness courses within workplaces, the NHS, Cancer Charities, Hospices and to the public. With personal experience of long-term caring for others and as a Hospice Volunteer Chaplain, Robert brings understanding and empathy for the struggles and paradoxes of caring and balancing your own needs.

‘This course opened my eyes to the idea that it is only possible to long-term care for someone if you try to put as much energy into your own care. Only those in this position know how hard that lesson is to teach and receive. But what a lifesaver!’

Commitment and Undertaking

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”

Henry Ford

We respect that our courses ask a lot from you, we recognise the significant and long-term demands of caring and that time is always under pressure in this chaotic world. Offered, as they are, over 8-weeks they may feel impossible given the demands and pressures of life.

Our courses instil lasting learning and develop sustainable behaviour change to recognise and resource the often-long-term caring relationship. Whilst carers will benefit from week 1 of the classes, they are not quick fixes and learning is effortful rather like we would perhaps go to the gym to get fit – but in the reality of time, it is a short investment for a long-term gain.

In taking this approach, we can start developing the space more profoundly and sustainably to reconnect with and nurture our health, create boundaries, and healthy habits that can continue to benefit after the course.

Having experienced caring for others, we know how challenging undertaking something else can be on top of all the competing demands and heavy ‘to do’ lists. Still, we also hope that we can bring a realistic and practical approach. Ironically, one bit of consistent feedback we get at the end of the course is how delegates would prefer the course to be longer!